What is Stingless Itama Bee Honey?

  • Honey from a rare species, called Heterotrigona itama stingless honey bees., with only about 500+ species of Stingless bees remaining worldwide (compared to the global bee diversity which is in excess of 24,473+ species).
  • Very exclusive, as only found in less than countries worldwide - mainly in forests of Malaysia, Australia, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and some areas of Taiwan.
  • Used for generations of people, from ancient Mayans in South America, to traditional people of Australia, Brazil, and Malaysia.
  • Darlings Itama Honey is produce in small and exclusive batches from original tree trunk bee hives (not transplanted), and harvested in our organic forests farms of Malaysia (not city farms).
  • Darlings Itama Honey is produce in small and exclusive batches from original tree trunk bee hives (not transplanted), and harvested in our organic forests farms of Malaysia (not city farms).
  • Each of our bottles of Darlings honey is so precious, as it takes almost half a year for our bees to gather enough honey to fill 1 bottle!

Stingless Bees Honey Bees
Older known fossil : Trigona Prisca
(about 74 – 96 Mil years ago)
True Apis type was first discovered in lower Miocene
( 22 to 25 Mil years ago)
Found in tropical and sub tropical regions only Found in most regions of the world
Body size is smaller (6-7 mm) Bigger than stingless bee (12-19 mm)
They do not sting but defend by biting (if disturb) Sting is well developed disturbed by stinging (if disturb)
Foraging distance up to 800m Foraging distance up to 3km
Honey yield is less (100-300g/month) Honey yield is more (5kg/month)
Tolerance to pest and diseases because of their smaller size and production of propolis which has germinal and pest repellent Vulnerable to pest and diseases

Health & Beauty Benefits

  • Curing abilities – Proven by extensive medical research to cure illness – even certain types of cancer, help in weight loss by increasing metabolic fat burn rate.
  • Suitable for diabetics, due to its low Glucose and Sucrose content.
  • Bees produce Propolis which has many health benefits, and even beneficial against COVID-19!
  • Called the “Elixir of Youth” – has powerful antioxidants and highest levels of phenolic acid, that works from within your skin DNA level. Improves skin tone (FAIRER), restore skin suppleness (less wrinkles), thus helping reverse the signs of aging.
  • Worried about heart and cancer disease - One of the best benefits of using the honey is that it will prevent your body to get disease related
  • Suffering from throat and cough irritation - Helps loosen phlegm and clear the lungs and sinus by removing inflammation
  • Suffering from throat and cough irritation - Helps loosen phlegm and clear the lungs and sinus by removing inflammation
  • Weak immune system (elderly, young kids) - It will also help in fighting with the bacterial infections so that your body feels energetic all time.
  • Burns and wounds on your skin - Help in healing burns and wounds in less time by its natural healing properties
  • Suffering from ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders - Promotes healing and reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders. This means that all the diseases related to your stomach and liver will be cured by
  • Increase athletic performance, metabolic fat burn (lose weight) - If you are a athletic and want to increase your energy, you will feel a drastic change in the body
  • Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory - It is NATURALLY anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory.
  • Need Probiotic - Help you in relieving from pain and disorders.

Features & Benefits

General Benefits for All

  1. Overcome Sleep problems (Insomnia)
  2. Overcome Obesity by increasing metabolism à Fat burn
  3. Provides more energy / vitality
  4. Increase Stamina & provides quick energy
  5. Increasing Appetite
  6. Improves Brain Function
  7. A “Super food” and the best “multivitamins” that is  organic / not processed

For beauty aspect for Women:

  1. Improves the menstrual cycle and restore menstrual
  2. Honey can be made facial mask to smooth and naturally whiten skin
  3. Facilitating The Birth Process
  4. Natural beauty from within your DNA / cell level

For Men

  1. Reduce physical fatigue and joint pain
  2. Improve sperm Potency
  3. Reduce work stress induced oxidants in the body

Worried about heart and cancer disease

One of the best benefits of using the honey is that it will prevent your body to get disease related to free radicals (oxidant induced). Prevention is always better than cure.

Suffering from throat and cough irritation

Helps loosen phlegm and clear the lungs and sinus by removing inflammation

Weak immune system (elderly, young kids)

It will also help in fighting with the bacterial infections so that your body feels energetic all time.

Burns and wounds on your skin

Help in healing burns and wounds in less time by its natural healing properties

Suffering from ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders

Promotes healing and reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders. This means that all the diseases related to your stomach and liver will be cured by this substitute of honey.

Increase athletic performance, metabolic fat burn (lose weight)

If you are a athletic and want to increase your energy, you will feel a drastic change in the body

Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory

It is NATURALLY anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory.

Need Probiotic

Help you in relieving from pain and disorders.


  •   G.R.O. Rosales, “Medicinal uses of Melipona beecheii honey, by the ancient Maya,” Pot-Honey, pp. 229–240, 2012.
  •   https://www.mdpi.c om/2072-6643/13/1/197/htm



– https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aps/2018/6179596/

  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0102695X16301843

– https://medic.upm.edu.my/upload/dokumen/2019041008261915_MJMHS_Vol_15_SP1.pdf

